Welcome to http://dlaster.com

This web page is a quick link for myself to the sites that I enjoy.

Here are some links that I use (mainly in alphabetical order)

Slackware Linux Slackware 15.0 has been released !!!!!!!!
Alien BOB (Eric Hameleers) Wiki Good Site to find Slackware Stuff
Brother's Pizza (732-571-7800)
Been getting getting Great Pizza, Subs and other food, from them for over 2 decades. At 868 Broadway in West Long Branch NJ.
Shrewsbury Cobbler Shop
Does good work on shoes and makes them last.
Manfredi Orthotic and Prosthetic
They do good work and I have been using them for over 20 years.
Goodyear Eatontown NJ
Been maintaining my cars for decades
DCH Ford Eatontown NJ
After 33 1/2 years had to get a new car
Bel Air Behavorial Services
For people living in Northern Maryland dealing with COVID-19 and/or other mental/emotional issues
Joyce D. - Licensed Massage Therapist
She is a licensed massage therapist who can help folks
Business System Technology
For those looking for Resume Support they can help 
Reform New Jersey Real Estate Taxes NOW!
I have been dealing with this issue for over 2 years. Please sign the petition.
D.K.N.J Real Estate & Apprraisal LLC 
Used them to fix an excessive appraisal - contact is DKNJ1 @ msn.com 
Various Documents Opinion and Other Documents
Software and Hardware Documents Software/Hardware Documents - some might have limited distribution
Petition to remove Dominion Vote Devices This is a petition to remove the Dominion Voting Devices
from use in NJ and to use trustworthy methods for voting.
The evidence in the public domain shows the machines were used to
rig the vote in a variety of elections. Learn what occurred in
Venezuela when people there found out about the vote rigging in the US.
100 Percent Fed Up Another site for reading things
Absolute Truth from the Word of God A Christian based site with interesting articles.
Alliance Defending Freedom Site covering religous and other freedom issues.
American Freedom Fighters Interesting Articles.
American Institute for Econonic Research Interesting Articles on Economics related to History
American Thinker Useful and Interesting Articles.
America's Front Line Doctors A site where doctors report real information.
Ancient Origins Interesting ancient history site.
Apologetics 411 Christian Doctrine Type Site.
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Information worth reading from actual doctors.
Babylon Bee Good satire that is rooted in facts, and they have real non-satire information as well.
Bioterrorism News Another site reporting things many people won't like.
BLExit Foundation An organization working to help Blacks and others undo the damage of the "Left".
BrownStone Institute Another site with articles worth reading and thinking about.
Canada Free Press Another site that is reporting real information that is worth reading
Cartoons for Us WARNING: Not everyone will like the cartoons
Center for Scientific Creation The online book, based upon Dr. Walt Brown's book, is worth reading
Chemical Violence A site covering chemical and other substances side effects
Children Health Defense A medical reporting site with interesting reading
Citizen Free Press An other site for information to the "fake media"
Civil Deadline Interesting Articles.
CNS News Another site for reading real news
Common Sense Evaluation Useful information to think about
Conservative Beaver News stories of interest to Proud Canadians
Conservative News And Views A Site that gives real information worth reading and thinking about.
Conservative Research Group Just another site with interesting information to read and hinking about.
Constituting America A site for learning about the U.S.A.
Constitution Society
CR Ministries Useful information to think about
Creation Moments A site that cover things creationist should be aware of
CRTXNEWS A site reporting medical issues and consequences
Daily Reckoning Another site I came across with interesting items
Defending the Republic Sidney Powell's Web Site
Dr. Mercola's Site A doctor reporting real information
Evolution News and Science Today An interesting site about real science - Anti-God people may not like it
Federation for American Immigration Reform Organization dedicated to fixing Illegal Alien immigration problem
Foundation for Economic Education A site that covers economics and associated history
Finish the Race Another site that had an article worth reading
First Things Articles related to interesting history
Flag and Cross Another Site reporting things accurately
Freedom Headlines Articles worth reading.
Gateway Pundit An alternate to the "Propaganda Media"
Geology In A Geology site with interesting items
God's Master Plan Some will like it, others will hate it, and others won't care"
Headline Health And Another health site covering real health news some won't like
Health Data Another health site supply health information and stats.
Health Impact News Another health site covering real health news some won't like
Hillsdale College They have some good stuff covering real history.
History Hit A site reporting history - have a TV mode as well.
Independent Minute Interesting Articles.
Institute for Creation Research An actual science site
Judicial Watch Americas's Public Corruption Watchdog protecting the US from corruption
Just the News Another site reporting news and interesting things
kagbabe : Links to Information Site has interesting Links
Law of Nations Monsieur De Vattel
Lew RockWell Articles Another site for reading things will challenge people
Liberty And Prosperity A site promoting real knowledge of our history - in southern NJ
Liberty Sword Another Site revealing things others are hiding and ignoring
Life Site News Another site for reading things some people don't want people to read
Manhatten Declaration
Mind Matter News A site discussing the mind and perception
Mises Institute Another site reporting real information
mrcNewsBuster Another site exposing the "Propaganda Media
Natural News Worth reading their articles, Many people won't like them however.
Nature Briefing Another site reporting things
News Hour First Interesting Articles.
News Max A real news site.
News With Views Interesting Articles.
Omnia News Another site for reporting actual news
One America News Network An alternate to the "Propaganda Media
Patriots Beacon Another site with interesting information, views, and opinions
Patriots For Life Another site with interesting information, views, and opinions
Prager U A University site that covers real things that many won't like
Project Veritas A site that reports things many don't want exposed.
Public Integrity Forum Another site reprting things some won't like.
Rebel News Another site many ideologues probably won't like
Red Voice Media And another site many probably won't like
Right and Free And another site many probably won't like
RT News Another News and Article site
Salk Institute for Biological Studies They have interesting biological studies
Skyhorse Publishing They published "Jefferson On Freedom"
Spreely Another Social Communication Site
Sons of Liberty A site for real political information
Steadfast Daily Interesting Articles.
Sustainable Freedom Lab Another Site supplying real Information.
Tales of Maora Interesting Writer's Site
The Beltway Report Another News Site
The Christian Post A Site related to Christianity
The Epoch Times An actual site that reports news
The Castle Report Another Commentary Site based on reality
The Informed American Articles about real events.
The New American Another site for reading things
The Patriot Nation Another site for reading things
The Tea Party Daily Another site with interesting articles
The Obama File (Now at Library of Congress) Useful for actually looking at the eligibility issue
Three Percenter Nation Interesting Articles about real events.
TPath Remarks A Patriot Site reporting things some won't like.
Tunnel 2 Towers Foundation A Site helping the real heroes.
Turning Point USA ARn organization whose purpose is to really help students learn
Unmuzzled News Another site reporting things "Progressive" minions won't like.
USA Watch Dog Another site reporting things some won't like.
We Are The People Illinios An organization of Illinois Resident working to protect people
Western Journal Articles that cover stuff honestly.
Wikileaks A site where those hidding things won't like
World News Daily An alternate to the "Propaganda Media"
Jersey Shore Tea Party Patriots
Recall New Jersey Recalling New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez
More Monmouth Musings
Wall NJ District 13
Project Shining City Conservative Commentary, News and Information
Innovative Applied Sciences Consulting Firm for Real-Time Software, Porting and other software needs
Jim's Site A friend and co-worker - lives a pretty good life
NRA National Rifle Association
CCRKBA Citizen's Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
All that is interesting Articles related to interesting history
Ancient Origins Articles related to ancient history
My Mail Server A web based mail server - Sorry, it is not a public server
Linux Links
Slackware Linux The best Linux distribution in my opinion
Alien Bob's Wiki Page Alien Bob's Wiki Page - Another Slackware Page
Advance Linux Sound Architecture
The Linux Documentation Project
Linux Counter Home Page
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

All human situations have their inconveniences. We feel those of the present but neither see nor feel those of the future; and hence we often make troublesome changes without amendment, and frequently for the worse.

True Freedom is the most expensive item that can be bought. It requires you to spend your whole life to buy it and keep it.

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